Seriously Council… Come On

May 29, 2020

Seriously Council… Come On


We’re still here, beavering away in the background trying to get our DA approved.

The lease on the premises in Brookvale is still in limbo and the landlord has taken a short term tenant until November, which works out pretty well. It means we can keep pushing forward with council, wait for the Covid bullshit to pass and get all our ducks lined up without needing to pay rent.

If we were paying rent with an empty building, no approval, and in the middle of a pandemic…well, that’d be shit.

But we’re not!

We’re now super close to approval, however parking is a major thorn on our side. And what I’ve realised is that nobody knows anything… Including my consultants who charge $350/hr for their advice.

I won’t bore you with the detail of of the ludicrous way parking is calculated. Only that our parking numbers would be fine if we squashed 120 people into an 80m2 room, however if we provide some Covid-friendly distance and put the same 120 people in a 200m2 space, all of a sudden our parking numbers are insufficient, to a point where council have responded with:

Conclusion In view of the above, the traffic team does not support the proposal.

It’s the same number of people Council!

There’s already 4 brewery’s in the immediate area, how is this so confusing!?

What the actual f#ck?

I’m lucky we’ve got Juls, our architect mate, who’s across the Australian Parking Standards – AS/NZS 2890.1-2004 so we can rejig spaces and areas to fit with clause 7, point 2, paragraph 4, sub point 3, or whatever it is.

The amended plans are going in next week with reduced operating hours and less patron numbers along with the reconfigured car spaces. Then we cross all our fingers and toes that the light goes green and we’re a GO.

Read our next blog here.